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Fax: 844-638-7723

Pamela Guiden IRIS Consultant

Pam believes the opportunity for individual choice is a key element for a full and meaningful life.

Work History
Date of Employment
  • 5/24/2021
Job Title
  • IRIS Consultant
Educational Background
Name of Institution
  • Indiana University
  • Bachelor's of Nursing
Name of Certification/Accreditation Registered Nurse
Certifying Agency WI Dept of Safety and Professional Services
Date Certification was Obtained 2008
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
Pam has had years of experience promoting inclusion and supporting individuals with disabilities.
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Southeast Wisconsin
Languages or Communication Skills
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
In her spare time, Pam enjoys spending time outdoors appreciating nature, cooking special treats for family and friends, and traveling as much as she can.