Coua Numa (Thao) Eligibility Coordinator/IC Senior
Coua has experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. She has extensive experience working with refugees, providing case management, employment, life skills, and enrollment into a variety of social services programs.
Work History
Date of Employment
- 9/24/2018
Job Title
- Eligibility Coordinator
Educational Background
Name of Institution
- UW-Oshkosh
- Bachelor of Science in Human Services Leadership
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
Coua has experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. She has extensive experience working with refugees, providing case management, employment, life skills, and enrollment into a variety of social services programs. Coua has experience working in social services, customer service, and pharmacy. She has developed her knowledge with WI Medicaid benefits since 2020 and currently supports LSS-Connections with Medicaid eligibility.
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Calumet, Outagamie & Winnebago Counties
Languages or Communication Skills
Hmong, English
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
Nyob Zoo! (Hello!) I received my Technical Diploma in Office Assistant from Fox Valley Technical College in 2006 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services Leadership from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in 2013. After graduation, I served 4 years as a Resettlement Manager for World Relief. I spent half of my time resettling Refugees to the Fox Cities. My work consisted of establishing housing, employment, life skills, extended case management, and referrals into social service programs. Her other half was managing a small staff, monitoring and auditing case files, and reporting program outcomes to the state. I bring over 20 years of customer service and bi-lingual skills to Connections. I continue to engage in continuing education in leadership, ethics, and boundaries. During my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, baking, and watching foreign dramas!