Angie Lazu IRIS Consultant
Angie has over 22 years working with individuals with disabilities, most recently with people with Prader-Willi syndrome.
Work History
Date of Employment
- 5/3/2021
Job Title
- IRIS Consultant
Educational Background
Name of Institution
- Criminal Justice/Social ServicesCriminal Justice/Social Services
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
I have over 22 years working with individuals with disabilities, most recently with people with Prader-Willi syndrome
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Waukesha County
Languages or Communication Skills
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
I am continuing my education, working on a BachelorÕs degree in Social Services and raising my daughter. I began working at ODTC (Oconomowoc Developmental Training Center) in 1993, as a CCT (Child Care Technician), and continued for several years in different positions. I worked for many years at Prader-Willi Homes Of Oconomowoc until and have kept in touch with numerous people I have met through PWHO. My daughter and I continue to volunteer at the national PWSA annual conference. I absolutely enjoy hearing of all the success stories, and great accomplishments these unique Individuals have made.