Tracy F
Toll-Free: 844-520-1712
Direct: 920-961-2511
Fax: 844-638-7723

Tracy Federer IRIS Consultant

Tracy has previous IRIS experience, along with medical and healthcare experience.

Educational Background
Name of Institution
  • MPTC
  • WNTC
  • Surgical Assistant
  • Human Services
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
I have many years of health and medical experience working as a surgical assistant and in home health care. I have 15 years of human service work including volunteer coordinator and trainer for St Vincent DePaul. Intake coordinator of energy assistance and come to Connections with 2 years of IRIS experience. I was also an administrator at a nursing home.
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Fox Valley
Languages or Communication Skills
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
I practice alternative and holistic health. I have 4 children and 3 grandchildren that I enjoy spending time with. My hobbies include gardening, and hiking/walking